Myself and John Cheetham initially met in our hometown of Blackpool, at the Solaris Café.
After a short period of time and further meetings, we began to forge a creative writing partnership.
I had 1 place to fill for an upcoming collaboration album 'Our Songs'.
A collection of co-created/inspired songs, of and with others (some of the individuals had never written lyrics for songs previously).
John Cheetham had previous experience of lyric writing for songs.
John had written a beautifully poetic piece about the late great musical artist Meatloaf and the powerful co-written song 'Lost & Found', featuring the tribute lyrics of John Cheetham) came to be.
‘Lost & Found’ has now become the final track on the album ‘Our Songs’ and has also been released as a single.
We also have begun writing a ‘tribute’ album to many great artists who have passed from this life, including Prince, George Michael and Freddie Mercury!
Additionally, under inspiration, we have begun writing and recorded several songs for John’s miraculous life account and a potential book to film project for ‘Fall Guy’.
Saturday January 13th 2024 (John’s birthday) marks the OFFICIAL release of ‘Fall Guy’ the single. A powerful song recently played exclusively by Salford City Radio (visit link below for John’s recent radio interview and the playing of ‘Fall Guy’).
There was also a Spotify streamed interview ‘Rising Creatively From a Life-changing Fall’, with John shared on Saturday 13th January 2024
It has been an outstanding honour and privilege to get to know John and to work with him on the several projects we have underway.
We are a creative force to be reckoned with and are currently writing a song that we will be pitching to a major band, who will be headlining at Lytham Festival this coming June.
Additionally, we will be reaching out to ‘tribute’ artists to write original songs for them to sing in the style of those no longer with us in this life.
I’m glad I read ‘Fall Guy’ and it helped me to put my own circumstances into perspective. It also helped remind me in John’s words:
‘The brightest star NEEDS the darkest night to shine’.
Support myself and John in the OFFICIAL release of ‘Fall Guy’ the Single (LINKS BELOW).
Download and stream ‘Lost & Found’ (use link below to choose YOUR preferred listening digital platform):
Order John Cheetham’s astonishing life account ‘Fall Guy’.
We've now released the 2nd Single From Our Upcoming SOUNDTRACK ALBUM
'Cry' is a BEAUTIFULLY emotional song John Cheetham’s astonishing life account ‘Fall Guy’. EXCLUSIVE Podcast LINK BELOW
Download and stream ‘Cry’ (CLICK on IMAGE below to choose YOUR preferred listening digital platform):