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Adapting to Change in OUR Garden of Life

Some find change difficult. How about you, how do you feel about change? Naturally we may feel uncomfortable and somewhat anxious about certain change. However, some change is inevitable, unavoidable. The message of this weeks blog is about adapting to change, and there has been a phenomenal amount of change in 2020!

(The above original artwork was painted by Michelle Roche. It features as the artwotk cover of the single 'Your Journey'. 'Your Journey' was featured as the outro song to Charles Mattocks cancer docu series 'Eight days'. You can purchase the original artwork from the shop on this website!)

In this year of 2020 the world has undergone tremendous change and in some cases upheaval! Whilst we have all been affected by the ‘coronavirus pandemic’, the effect has been individual and varied, depending on our circumstances. Additionally, many have different views towards the reasons for the pandemic. undeniably though this situation has impacted on our lives. For example people have lost work; children have had to be educated at home; family have not been able to visit relatives; family have not been able to say goodbye to there dead loved ones at funeral services and we could continue. There has been wholesale change! Many have adapted to this change tremendously and that my dear friend includes you and I!

During this time of change what good had arisen? in many cases, this change has led to a fresh and more open perspective on what truly matters in life. ‘Social distancing’ for example, has led to a deeper appreciation for the intimate contact and soul consciousness connection we can experience as a human family. There is an awakening taking place!

It is noticeable, that in many cases people do seem to have a more outreaching attitude. Whilst this is not always the case, I have noticed when I am out at the shops, for example, people do have an appreciative respectful attitude. Sometimes, admittedly through facemasks, you can see and feel people smiling back at you! We must keep this humanity alive! Through my work as a singer songwriter and through my own personal experience and awakening, I am reaching out to more of my universal soul mates in a deeper consciousness connection. This is manifesting itself through the following elements that I offer to you:

1. Unique songwriting service (I have in the last few months written over 10 DNA songs for individuals). The songs I write through the service, are an incredible experience for the individuals involved, as they see their souls reflected in the unique songs written for them! This too can be YOUR experience!

2. Album ‘Garden of Life’ (including the ‘Garden of Life’ selfie wall, where individuals come inside the message of this album and include themselves in a selfie image with the album). The vibe, atmosphere and overall theme of the garden of life is all about awakening to change and our connection in life, love and gratitude. You will LOVE it's uplifting message! Visit product page and order your CD (CD includes 3 bonus tracks of bespoke written DNA songs).

3. Weekly YouTube vlog, where I discussed with you my journey aligning with your journey and becoming our journey!

4. IGTV series ‘Be YOU With Me - Connecting in ONE Voice’, a place where we can unite in a common theme.

5. This weekly blog to provide encouragement and connection.

6. Last but not least the online songwriting program that I have created for you – ‘Songwriting – Writing YOUR Unique DNA songs’. this program is designed to enable you to move from a blank page, to writing your own unique song. it will also help you to write poetry and to improve the positivity of your social media content! Visit product page and buy your LIFETIME ACCESS for the one off payment of $51! Wow!

Change is not easy at times, it can be though the transition to even greater creativity. In certain situations, of course, change Is an even greater challenge! However, in improving our attitude; approaching situations, as much as we can, with a sense of humour; not viewing all stress as bad; viewing change as the gateway to potential improvement, we can and will welcome and adapt to change in an easier fashion. I am not saying, by any stretch of the imagination, the above is easy. At the beginning of the ‘coronavirus pandemic’ I lost all of my work as a driving instructor, due to social distancing. Needless to say this caused some potential anxiety, in terms of concern over financial flow! Nevertheless, my focus was on what can I do, as opposed to what can’t I do. Developing this mindset, through online programs, personal development and the mentoring and coaching I received from Rebecca Adams, led me to develop and create all of the above. Why do I share this? Because through my creative medium, particularly songwriting and my social media content, I want to help you to adapt to change and more than that, I want to help you to be your change! Whilst some change is inevitable, unavoidable, even more importantly, we do not have to wait and adapt to change we can make change. YES - Be the change!

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.” —Martin Luther King, Jr

An incredibly powerful quote to conclude with! Let us continue to adapt to change but always with the overiding view of working for our freedom and the freedom of others.


Ray xx

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