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Celebrate YOU. Celebrate OUR PHENOMENAL Creative Journey...

We ALL love to celebrate! I'm sure YOU LOVE to CELEBRATE.

However, at times society turns on a cold hose and turns up a judgemental nose, at celebrating our OWN success, achievements and wins... WHY?

Simply put celebrating our own success can be seen as self-centered, arrogant and 'big-headed'. Additionally, making self celebration appear negative, keeps our true divine manifestation at bay; in other words - it keeps us controlled!

Would these thoughts prevent you from losing your power and not celebrating your success, achievements and wins? Have they prevented you from joining IN the celebration of your own success?

If you have answered YES, then take heart... you are not alone!

For many years I turned off my creative purpose, because I allowed the above thoughts to be projected onto me.

Guess what... this not only stopped MY creative purpose but it also stopped me serving the creative purpose of and with OTHERS! By being less us, we may deprive others of being MORE them and let's face it our world needs MORE not less.

With this in mind, here are a few invitations for you to join IN with MORE...

For you to see, hear and feel creative celebration rising.

Let the success shared here, encourage you to celebrate the greatest of ALL victories - being MORE YOU!

Take a look/listen at what can be celebrated by connecting IN creativity and being INSIDE a community that PROMOTES the celebration of SELF!..

All of the examples shown and more, demonstrate what happens when we celebrate our creative selves TOGETHER...


Join IN celebrating OUR achievement of a globally released album on the evening of it's release - September 3rd 2021!!! LIVE!

I'll be performing ALL songs from the album 'Garden of Love (Connecting IN Creativity)' LIVE @ 8pm (uk time) on September 3rd 2021...

Let's 'lift the roof of the sky and CELEBRATE OUR JOURNEY' OF Creativity TOGETHER...

More details to follow on this INCREDIBLE CELEBRATION!

Mark September 3rd 2021 8pm (uk time) IN your Diary... LIVE FaceBook Streamed Performance!

YOU will have the opportunity to celebrate IN this INCREDIBLE album collaboration project.

In fact you have the opportunity to celebrate and FEEL the POWER of OUR creativity NOW by ordering the album on CD or pre-ordering the digital version through iTunes NOW...

(Visit the product page for details).

Here is another AMAZING invitation to CELEBRATE YOU and YOUR Creative potential...

Starting last Monday 16th August & concluding IN the same week on Friday 20th August, the song ‘I’M ALIVE INSIDE’ was written by myself and 5 other lyricists - Kulleen Hatcher; Michelle Roche; Fi Vilhena; Sandi Ju and Tina Meyer.

‘I’M ALIVE INSIDE’ was recorded on my I-pad and is proof of what can be made when we Connect INSIDE Creativity.

A song written and completed in FIVE DAYS!

Just imagine what we could achieve and CELEBRATE in FOUR MONTHS!

CONTACT ME for more details of an incredible creative subscription opportunity...

Connect INSIDE Creativity OPENS ON September 6th 2021... It's time to write YOUR Song and CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE...

Loving Energy ALWAYS,

Ray xxx

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