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Dealing with Difficulties in our very own 'Garden of Life'.

I am super duper excited about this weeks blog! Why? Because I have a guest blogger who I admire SO much! I am SO proud of his achievements and positive outlook on life, in spite of challenges he has faced in his years on planet Earth! Who is my guest blogger? My youngest son Malachi!

Malachi is SO creative and he has been through a LOT and nearly died when he was only a few months old (in fact, for a period of time he did! As he had a series of epileptic fit episodes when he was young and during one episode he stopped breathing for a period of time!) I am IMMENSELY grateful he is still with us and I know he has a ton to offer this world! Myself & Malachi agreed in the blog today to discuss - ‘Dealing with and overcoming difficult times’. Before you read Malachi’s thoughts watch the video HE put together for the song I wrote about Malachi and my eldest son Micah (Micah performs Backing vocals on this track)... the song is called ‘Keep Walking Straight Ahead’. Watch it and then read Malachi’s incredibly mature viewpoint on - ‘Dealing with and Overcoming difficult times’.

“It's a very difficult time for all of us. As the pandemic is spreading, it's very challenging to remain positive sometimes, but during these difficult days we all need to make the best of a bad situation. Today's blog will be about positivity and making the best of things.

For starters, one thing you can do to keep yourself positive is by finding a hobby for yourself. There are many things you can do as a hobby such as drawing, painting, cooking, crafting, and maybe finding some sports to play in your backyard.

Keeping active can also boost morale and make you feel better. By going out for a walk or run one a day, doing some small excersises like sit-ups and jumping jacks, you are keeping yourself fit and healthy and will feel much happier.

There's also simple, small things you can do to be more positive, like listing one good thing about your day, or by going outside when the weather is nice and just enjoying it.

Hopefully, by the end of this virus we won't take things for granted and that we can make the best of a bad situation”. Malachi Coates

Wow! Thank you SO much Malachi! Keep showing up and keep growing into the amazing human that you are!

We are ALL so proud of our children and we should be! I am proud of ALL of my children. Let us learn from THEM! My children have definitely provided me with many lessons. I LOVE Malachi’s thought of - ‘we won’t take things for granted’! Life is about gratitude and love! As long as we all continue to centre ourselves in the qualities of LOVE and GRATITUDE, then we can move beyond difficult times and share in even brighter days together!


Ray xx

‘Keep Walking Straight Ahead’ is the 7th track on the album ‘Garden of Life’.

You can order your CD copy (includes 3 bonus tracks) by visiting the product page >> (there you will find PayPal link. For alternative payment options message me through website contact page).

Alternatively, you can download ‘Garden of Life’ from any digital download stores! Including:

View this promo video for 'Garden of Life' and come and join us! People are LOVING the upbeat, positive vibe INSIDE the Garden!..

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