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Finding Happiness in OUR Garden of a Life


Where does happiness originate? How can we achieve it to a higher level? What is happiness? One online definition describes it this way:

“Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy”.

Here we can see that happiness springs from inside us. It is a feeling,an emotion. Whilst emotions are often triggered by external factors, ultimately happiness is internal not external.

You could say happiness is a destination, even a destiny and it is our birthright to be happy. How can we be truly happy?

Do what you love. Do what makes you and others smile. Don’t lose your sense of self. Don’t lose what makes you truly happy. I have the utmost admiration for comedians. It is a true gift and talent to make others laugh. It has great value and is a major need in our lives. Laughter gives our internal organs a massage. How wonderful! Here is the beginning of a little bit of a fun idea shared from me to you. It’s the 8th track from my album ‘Garden of Life’ - ‘Happy Ever After’. Enjoy the short trailer... more to come from Sir Singalot soon! Lol

Here is ‘Happy Ever After’ 8th track from my album ‘Garden of Life’.

With a deep sense of joy, I am grateful to be able to share with you. Shall we conclude with a GLAD filled message?

Check out mine and my partner in rhyme Michelle Roches’ GLAD ebook of inspirational poetry - ‘Your GLAD Journey Companion’.

We have composed and crafted 24 unique pieces of poetry, divided into 4 sections around this G.L.A.D acronym with the themes of Gratitude, Love, Awakening and Destiny (GLAD). This is shared with you, as our contribution to lift your thoughts through challenging times.

We want YOU to be happy! We want you to be GLAD.

Visit >> to download YOUR copy of ‘Your GLAD Journey Companion’.

Watch our vlog from last Friday, where we describe why we are sharing ‘Your GLAD Journey Companion’ with YOU.

One of my main purposes in life is to radiate and share happiness. Connect with me through my creativity. We can choose happiness. We can choose to surround ourselves with people who support our happiness, as we support their happiness. Join me in my ‘Garden of Life’ message. The album contains a message of joy through purpose. We are happy, satisfied and contented when we align with our own true individual life purpose.

Enjoy the long promo video below for ‘Garden of Life’ and order your CD copy from product page >>

Loves Energy,

Ray xx

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