When we sometimes sense a lack, it is not easy to feel grateful. In the last 2 years I have developed my sense of gratitude. Developed? Yes, DEVELOPED! Saying we should be grateful, isn’t enough. We live in an immediate world. Additionally, life can make us feel hard done by. How do you feel about gratitude? Do you find it easy? Do you have to work on it?

Like many characteristics, gratitude begins with the way we think. In time, with work, our gratitude can move from our mind, deeper into our hearts. Let me explain how that has been the case for me.
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous”
Over the last I have had the tremendous privilege, honour and blessing to meet; be inspired by; work with and write for some truly incredible and inspirational people. One of the foremost is Rebecca Adams. Through her twice weekly lives (‘Real & Raw at 4’) on Rebecca Adams FB page; 1:1 coaching; mentoring; online programs and integrity example, I have learnt and implemented mindset techniques, alongside my own personal development.

“No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” – Alfred North Whitehead
For example, I awaken everyday with gratitude, reasoned, affirmations. Within these affirmations, I go deep into the reasons for my gratitude. I ponder deeply on why I am grateful. For example - ‘I am grateful for each breath of life that oxygenates my blood, which pumps around my body and helps me to continue breathing and stay alive. Subsequently, I am grateful for this life and the creative opportunities it gives me to serve others.
“Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give.” – Edwin Arlington Robinson

This truly is the most inspirational period and creative phase I have experienced in my entire life. Below are some of my reasons for gratitude.
Album release and response.

Social media content and engagement...
Unique DNA/emotional signature songs for example - Emily’s song... WOW! You are REALLY connecting with 'Heaven in a Breath'!
Opportunities to inspire and help elevate others.

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Development of my songwriting program, for example into residential care homes.
Ongoing creative projects for others. For example music & video promos for various authors etc. Here is an example of such a video, promoting the excellent crime thriller ‘Deadly Acquaintance’ written by author Bobbie Barker.
Upcoming launch of something very special for you...
I am SO glad of my future creative opportunities, to share with you inspiration and creativity always.
In conclusion, simply put, it is important to ‘count your blessings’. Have the last 2 years been ‘plain sailing’? Far from it! However, when I look at what I have, have had and will have, I smile at myself and with myself.
“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” – Amy Collette
“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” – Henry Ward Beecher
There are no guarantees as to how life will pan out, there is no guarantee as to how long life will last (having faced throat cancer 12 years ago, I know the truth of this). Life is a privilege, we should hold it in gratitude, embrace it, cherish it and have a thankful appreciative spirit for every experience, lesson and opportunity it brings.
Loves Energy,
Ray xx
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