Division, disconnection, isolation and distraction. Thankfully we’re NOT going to talk about any of these, quite the opposite! However, we have to acknowledge we live in divided times. Therefore, the question needs to be asked - what can unite us and HOW can we connect and come together more?
It’s a BIG question and not one we can answer COMPLETELY in 1 blog post… we can though examine an important aspect of unity that can often be forgotten. What is that aspect, that we do well to reMEMBER and shine a greater light on?
Yes, creativity can play a massive role in unity! How?
Reflect upon the following points and I’d welcome your input on these:
Creativity is CONSTRUCTIVE eg it’s about MAKING not breaking.
Creativity transcends BEyond belief systems.
Creativity is INherent to us ALL.
Creativity is BEyond limited mindset.
Creativity can foster emotional connection and kindred intimacy.
Creativity is BEyond ‘social status’ or ‘political agenda’.
Creativity is ‘natural play’ in an unnatural material based system.
Creativity has no imposed institutional rules.
In creativity ALL are welcome and ALL can contribute a share.
That will do for starters lol.

Could you add more? Of course you could! Might there be some of these points that you would adjust? Of course there would be, that’s the point!
In creativity, from my experience, there is no and shouldn’t be any, competition! As already stated:
‘In creativity ALL are welcome’.
Are these just nice, warm, fuzzy words? NO! In my own creative experience, these words have been born out by CREATIVE ACTION! Let me SHARE with and for you some examples and also BEgin to open a door of creatively unifying opportunity for YOU.
Released in May 2023 and formed from an original song idea, written by Natasha Rose Swift (Featuring Ray Coates). ‘A Pagan Dream’ is the title of Natasha’s amazingly gripping book and the song is available now, on all major download/streaming platforms worldwide…
Utilise LinkShare BELOW to choose your preferred listening platform:
July (OFFICIAL release 02/08/2023)
‘Love Is’ with magical lyrics from Laine Dadson (Laine had never previously written song lyrics and NOW Laine has a BEautiful song released WORLDWIDE and also a video featuring British Sign Language (BSL) from the amazing June Buckingham!
Read Laine’s own expression:
“Sharing the love from my heart.
'Love Is' has been written by me and the wonderful Ray Coates has created the musical score.
I am totally blown away at how BEautiful our song sounds.
The world needs Love, especially at these challenging times”.
Utilise LinkShare BELOW to choose your preferred listening platform:
The Community Anthem Project Song ‘One Voice, We Are One’ (OFFICIALLY Released October 27th 2023)
The 1st ever Community Anthem Project C.A.P #cap # was about creating a bright, hope filled, colourful and loving frequency sound TOGETHER!

MORE than a song for the people… this is a song OF the people!
Written with local commUNITY, a process of over 1 year with 10 different lyricists, 4 musicians and over FORTY voices!
‘The song OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people’, is available NOW to download and stream (link to listen and SHARE and choose your preferred listening platform BELOW)
“The music I share isn’t just mine… nor is the music ‘only’ for people of my age group”
‘Shake It Up (Spins 1,2,3,4 & 5)’ Powerful Lyrics by the IMMENSELY creative Caroline Brown released NEW YEARS DAY 2024
FIVE singles ALL released on the same day, New Years Day 2024!
FIVE varied versions of the SAME song idea ✅💿✅💿✅💥✅💥
Same lyrics; same chord progression; same lead vocalist ALL released @ the same time 01/01/2024!!!
(LinkShare Links BELOW)
Choose YOUR preferred listening platform in ONE link! 🎶💜👇
‘Shake It Up (Spin 1)’ 💿
‘Shake It Up (Spin 2)’ 💿💿
‘Shake It Up (Spin 3)’ 💿💿💿
‘Shake It Up (Spin 4)’ 💿💿💿💿
‘Shake It Up (Spin 5)’ 💿💿💿💿💿
Released on Saturday January 13th 2024 (John Cheetham’s birthday) 'Fall Guy’ the single. A powerful song recently played exclusively by Salford City Radio & Coastal DAB Radio supporting John's BOOK 'Fall Guy', sharing his ASTONISHING life journey (CLICK ON THE BOOK IMAGE BELOW to order YOUR copy of this PHENOMENALLY INSPIRATIONAL life account)!
There was also a Spotify (CLICK ON Spotify image BELOW to listen to interview Podcast) & YouTube streamed interview ‘Rising Creatively From a Life-changing Fall’, with John shared on Saturday 13th January 2024 🥳🙏💫
It has been an outstanding honour and privilege to get to know John and to work with him on the several projects we have underway. We are a creative force to be reckoned with and are currently writing a song that we will be pitching to a major band, who will be headlining at Lytham Festival this coming June. Additionally, we will be reaching out to ‘tribute’ artists to write original songs for them to sing in the style of those no longer with us in this life.
‘Fall Guy’ LinkShare BELOW (choose YOUR listening platform)
Can Creativity UNIte us? Not only ‘can’ it UNIte us, it HAS, it IS and it WILL, UNIte us!
Who is Dan!..
As a new band WHO IS DAN performed live performances at Bootleg Social Blackpool & Waterloo FY4, Blackpool, with In Good Company Blackpool and also at the Community Anthem Project get together, in 2023.

We also released our FIRST single as part of the 5 song ‘Shake It Up’ project! ‘Shake It Up (Spin 5)’!
LinkShare BELOW for YOU to choose YOUR preferred listening platform.
We have just recorded our 2nd single (MORE NEWS SOON).
What about 2024?..
WHO IS DAN will be embarking (BIG WORD lol) on the commUNITY creation of the 2nd Community Anthem Project song ‘People Say’ (project BEginning soon #watchthisspace).

For the 2nd Community Anthem Project song 'People Say' we are reaching out FURTHER!
We welCOME YOUR lyrical INput! IMAGINE YOUR words IN a CONNECTIVE, COLLECTIVE ANTHEM - 'PEOPLE SAY'! We will BE focusing on the NorthWest Region of the UK but this is open to ALL!
I'll BE sharing MORE IN this weeks 'Creative Shake Up Podcast'.
BEcome a Podcast Listener/Follower by CLICKING ON the IMAGE BELOW...
Can creativity unite us?
I’ll leave it with YOU to affirm…
Loving energy,
Ray xxx
#letsconnect #letscreate #cometogether #collaborate #onevoice #weareone #socialentrepreneur #singersongwriter #spotify #applemusic #amazonmusic #itunes #youtube