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Humanity in OUR Garden of Life


From a young age, we are taught to share, taught to play nicely with our friends. What happens? Why the change? Of course, this is not to say ALL of us grow up to not share, to not treat others with respect! However, people at times are not just unkind, they are brutal and inhumane! I'm sure like yourself I was sickened by the killing, the murder of George Floyd! It was a disgusting act of extreme brutality and torture! To find the words to sum up this abhorrent act of murder is impossible. At a time of enforced distance, many drew closer together in solidarity of this wanton extermination of life! The morning after the destruction of George Floyds life, I wrote these words:

What colour is a heart?

What class is a soul?

What rank is your spirit?

One love, one goal.

What difference is in blood?

What variance in bone?

What rank is your spirit?

One love, earth our home.

Who are you to judge another,

Who are you to slay colour, sister, brother?

Why breed hate, kill skin? When there is love, enough!

Why tolerate? Make change begin. Enough is enough!

Where is the answer? Let’s find it as one.

Mother, brother, Father, Sister, daughter and son.

No colour in a heart!

No class in a soul!

No rank in your spirit!

One love, one goal!

We are all connected in a far deeper way than even we realise. There is an awakening and it should not be shifted into an awakening of darkness. We must MAKE change, we must enact change!

It is not enough though to agree. It is not enough to call out in that agreement. It is not enough to talk about being kind! It is not enough to continually give token gestures towards 'respect'. As a human family, we need to ACT together! Rise together in wholesale condemnation and MOVEMENT for change! Will the words here make that change? Sadly of themselves NO! Nevertheless, the more we ALL play our part in transferring energy from the mundane and petty to the deep seated and ingrained/conditioned nature of many in humanity, then we have a chance.

Humanity needs you and I to operate from a place of love, gratitude and respect. We have been seperated recently by 'social distancing'. We need to take the lesson from the situation of 'Lockdown' and we must LOCKIN Love! 'Remember These Days'. consider that message in the video below.

Too many tears have been shed, too much blood lost, too many lives taken! We must rise as one! IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE, MORE than words! 'Stop The Earth From Weeping', a message for change in the videos below.

In conclusion, let us use our energy; our love; our power, for greater good. I'm sure you are like me and you will look for even greater ways to reach out to your human family in love and gratitude.

Below is the latest example of how I intend to do this, at least twice a week I will be posting a short tv type video in IGTV. The theme is - 'Be YOU With Me - Connecting in ONE Voice'. When I share these videos in IGTV, they will be filled with positive energy, truth, love and gratitude on a number of different subjects (consider below introductory video and visit my Instragram account @raycoatesvoice for further examples. Thursday will be the 1st episode. Don't miss out.


Ray xx

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