In this week’s BLOG, I discuss some of the content of my Friday YouTube VLOG (check out my YouTube channel and SUBSCRIBE. You will gain SO much positive energy). >> ).
Above ALL else, I will be discussing LOSING, or at worst loosening, the perceived grip of fear. We live in what are best described as UNPRECEDENTED times!

However, there are many reports and discussions of what is happening, from MANY different sources. What is the key to dealing with this current fear? Love, gratitude and perspective. There are a lot of discussions on hoping we return back to ‘normal’! What is ‘normal’ about where we were? Were the times before this current situation REALLY ‘normal’? Rather, are we not learning what truly matters? In other words – LOVE, GRATITUDE and PERSPECTIVE. I will discuss in deeper detail, how I deal with fear, and potentially how I can creatively help YOU!
Meantime, check out one of the most recent songs I have written – ‘Remember These Days’… it is about these days of ‘social distancing’ and above all else how we learn to appreciate something as simple as a warm embrace! Click the video link below to view this VERY apt and universally connective song. >>
In this Fridays Vlog I will also be talking about the ‘Garden of Life’ album pre-order >>
‘Garden of Life’ is currently available on CD (including 3 bonus tracks) >> CLICK on product page for details… I’ll also give a sneaky peek into a CD ‘selfie’ wall idea…
The ‘Garden of Life’ album and the message it contains, is 100% a healing sound for the fear that surrounds us!

I also discuss, FULL availability on ALL digital download platforms, the ‘Garden of Life’ album in TWO WEEKS time from this Friday 17/4/2020! … see you inside the Garden, on my YouTube VLOG. Where my Journey meets YOUR Journey and becomes OUR Journey.
Loves Energy
Ray xx