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Sharing Creative Growth and Expansion

It is such a deep and thrilling experience, to connect in creativity. Our hearts desire is to make a difference with the life that we have. It is my incredible honour and privilege, to reach out, connect and collaborate with so many amazing individuals.

Gratitude and love, are very much at the centre of all I do. The feelings I open up to and the aim to become more in inspiration and creativity, are also opening up the flow and expansion creatively in others.

"When I am more, then you are more".

To experience immense gratitude and to see and feel inspirational influence, from and too me, are just a joy way beyond words.

As part of the growth in myself and therefore the resultant growth and expansion creatively in others, there is a leading to so many deep connections and meaningful projects. Over the next few weeks and months, you will see this creative energy become even more manifest.

When I am more, then you are more.

In society, the more we encourage unique creative purpose, the stronger and more energetic society becomes. I am connecting with many more through my weekly Spotify podcast 'Ray Coates Connecting in One voice'. As you join me each week, over the next few weeks, I will be sharing an interview with many individuals, I have collaborated with or been inspired by, leading up to the release on September 3, 2021 of our album 'Garden Of Life – Connecting IN Creativity'.

Catch up on the FIRST of a series collection of podcast specials, leading to an INCREDIBLE release. BELOW is a link to an 'Our Connection' special... Listen to creativity... (Click link BELOW)...

'Our Connection' is available NOW for download and streaming on ALL digital platforms.

Growth and expansion are inevitable and the true joy and 'success' in life, are sharing those moments of growth and expansion with and for others. 'Our Connection' is a prime example of this. Featuring Caroline Brown; Michele Noordhof; RaeAnn Gardner; Sanni Tju; Sherry McQueen and Susan Ann Lynn as co-lyricists, this song has PHENOMENAL collective power (there will be a 'ringtone' remix for the collaboration album 'Garden of Love - Connecting IN Creativity'. Growth leads to more and as we share in abundance together, joy, hope and love expand.

All of the lyricists within 'Our Connection' have aligned with me in solo 1:1 projects and we will be sharing expansive energy for you over the next few weeks and months.

It was such a beautiful privilege to write 'Hopes Dance' with the super talented Caroline Brown (there will be a 'toe-tapping/finger clicking' remix for the collaboration album 'Garden of Love - Connecting IN Creativity'.

*Catch up on the Spotify podcast broadcast on May 26th 2021, including AMAZING explanation of ‘Hopes Dance’ from super talented lyricist Caroline Brown.

‘Hopes Dance’ is released NOW for download and streaming on ALL digital platforms.

There is MORE!..

This coming Wednesday June 9th 2021, I will be sharing in a Spotify podcast interview with the amazingly creative soul RaeAnn Gardner. We will be discussing 'Our Connection'; the writing and releasing of 'Walk in Love' (the 2nd track on the upcoming September 3rd 2021 album release - 'Garden of Love - Connecting IN Creativity') and also a sneaky peak into a TOP SECRET beautiful song that we have written and is 'in the vault' currently...

You REALLY won't want to miss this interview, as we share creative growth and expansion.

I encourage you to be more YOU, the more society is filled with fuller and better versions of ourselves, the greater society will be.

Join me, not just in music but rather in a creative movement for more.

It's time to grow, expand and share in OUR collective, inspirational and creative energy.

Loving Energy ALWAYS,

Ray xxx

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