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Songwriting - OUR Journey


One of the greatest gifts you can give others, is to share your time with them.

One of the best ways to connect with others is to create with them.

There are many times in life when we can feel disconnected and isolated. The sense of feeling remote and detached, has been something we have all experienced in the last year or so. However, there are ways we can breakthrough the feelings of detachment and isolation.

We have all witnessed a variety of different social media ventures arriving over the last year. Places where individuals and communities have joined together, in finding ways of reaching out and connecting with others.

During this period of time where direct social interaction has been limited, I have personally sought ways to use the time I have, to connect with others. The creative energy that has resulted, has been phenomenal and something that will live LONG in my memory and the memory of others. It has been incredible to see the impact of shared creativity on others. In a typical week, ranging from one-to-one songwriting experiences with others all over the world, through to a group shared songwriting workshop experience every Monday @ 3pm GMT.

Picture the feeling of sharing in a song that is YOURS; a song that has YOU front and centre; a song with YOUR DNA blueprint; YOUR SONG and even including YOUR words! What an outstanding soul connection this experience is!

Discover 1 way of finding this connection by joining with me...

‘Be Creatively FREE With Me @ THREE’

A LIVE Songwriting workshop!

Today >> 8.2.2021 @ 3pm GMT

We will write ‘Our Love Song’.

Additionally, in opening up my creative persona through 'Diary of a Songwriter - OUR Journey', I have created an opportunity for others to connect with me and our wonderful gift of creative energy, creative energy that we can share. Fun, laughter, inspiration and so much more.

These weekly connective places are leading to amazing experiences for myself and others! In the links below I share with you a few of the most recent and there are so many more to come, with some outstanding collaborative projects due to be launched soon.

Reach out to others in these times of perceived disconnection. Find those that you connect with, do not deprive yourself or others of the fullness of you. Remember, by being less you, you may deprive others of being more them. Reach out to me, I am not a remote, isolated, disconnected songwriter, I am Songwriting - OUR Journey.

Songwriting is my passion but I truly believe it does not belong to just me and it is part of OUR journey, shared together. Join me in our beautiful creative connection.

Loves Energy,

Ray xxx

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