What does it mean to be connected?
How would you define connection?
It’s very easy to talk about but why is it so important to feel connected?
What is it and how can it be achieved?
We live at a time when sensing and being connected are more important than ever.
Connection has ALWAYS been important but NOW there is an even more acute need to be connected!
Let’s begin with a simple definition of what connection means…
“A connection is a relationship between two things, people, or groups”.
Collins Dictionary
The above is a bit of a cold definition but let’s expand the thought of connection further and add warmth to our connection.
Why do we need to connect with self, others and ultimately all?
Fundamentally it’s to sustain the emotional well-being of ourselves and others. In true meaningful connections we recycle and replenish vibrant energy; we keep ourselves and others energetically topped up. As much as we need food, drink, shelter and sufficient rest, we require sensory connection. Like any form of nutrition, balance is required. Self time or ‘me time’ is important too.
Human connection can be aided by technology but it cannot be substituted by it! Within our sentient being, humanly physical experience, we thrive off of direct face to face and ideally tangibly physical contact.
The reasons above for connection were 100% my heart and soul motivation behind an incredibly connective worldwide project to help others connect in creativity… take a look at the snippet video below (recorded in November 2020)…
The FaceBook LIVE in November 2020 led to the PHENOMENAL collaboration song 'Our Connection' written with the magical co-lyricists Caroline Brown; Michele Noordhof; RaeAnn Gardner; Sanni Tju; Sherry McQueen & Susan Anne Lynn.
This coming week is ‘Our Connection’ week, celebrating the 1st track from the Friday September 3rd 2021 released album -‘Garden of Love (Connecting IN Creativity)’.
Through creativity we can experience a third element connection, that of being WITHIN the beauty of divine energy; ‘a cosmic connection to help YOU find YOUR voice’.
One of the greatest and most profound connections is experienced when we create TOGETHER. In those moments of creativity, we are very much IN the moment and lose a sense of isolation and disconnection.
Join with myself and others in the beautifully enriching experience of connecting INSIDE Creativity.
The album ‘Garden of Love (Connecting IN Creativity)’ is a vibrantly ALIVE and growing example of the glory of creative connection.
(Order 'Garden of Love (Connecting IN Creativity)' by visiting the PRODUCTS page)
There is MORE! There is ALWAYS abundance.
Beginning tonight Monday September 6th 2021 I am offering a creative connection experience for the remaining 4 months of this year!
Don’t worry it’s NEVER too late to connect.
You can still accept this INCREDIBLE value invitation to Connect INSIDE Creativity. ✍️💜🎶
Here are some of the many beautiful benefits!
1. Creativity is therapeutic.
2. Creative writing, enables us to be even more focused in our purpose.
3. It beautifully shapes and defines our future.
4. Creativity enables to connect MORE with others.
5. Creativity moves us to connect with divine source.
6. It empowers us to share OUR UNIQUE creative voice.
I’m offering you ALL of the above and MORE in a 4 month subscription program.
What will you gain from this exclusive experience?
Take a LOOK and SEE where connecting IN creativity can lead:
From today Monday September 6th 2021 through to and including Monday December 20th 2021, I will guide YOU to write and in the future potentially release YOUR OWN song.
Contact me for more details and let’s connect INSIDE creativity and SEE, HEAR and FEEL the AMAZING benefits.
Loving Energy ALWAYS,
Ray xxx