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Why Share in Creative Connection?

Who are the individuals you see in this connective collage photo below?

How have they creatively connected and why are they such an inspirational example to share IN creative connection?

Well let me introduce 'Our Connection' co-lyricists:

RaeAnn Gardner

Sherry McQueen

Caroline Brown

Sanni Tju

Michele Noordhof

Susan Ann Lynn

How have they creatively connected?

Simple answer - in a song...

A deeper more accurate answer - in a GLOBAL ANTHEM.

The GLOBAL ANTHEM ‘Our Connection’ has the potential to reach SO many with OUR message of peace, unity and love.

A song OF the people, FOR the people.

Born out of sharing creative connection in a Facebook LIVE beginning on 23/11/2020!

Take a listen (with the link BELOW).

Download/Stream (some of the links below. Available on ALL major download/streaming platforms! Search 'Ray Coates Our Connection').

Above ALL else, WE ask you to LISTEN to our global anthem, created during disconnection.

You Tube

Amazon Music



How did this PHENOMENAL creative connection growth happen?

Take a look at snippets of the story behind 'Our Connection'...

Read some of the feelings of the creative team behind 'Our Connection':

Feel the depth of the following expressions from 'Our Connection' collaborators...

‘In a world that is filled with so much disconnection, whether it be through the pandemic; political unrest; through hatred; racism and so many other negative things, to hear a message of hope, is so important at this time’.

Michele Noordhof

‘Amazing story, during these times, where the world feels so disconnected and we’re unable to be around all of the people we love...To create a beautiful song, I had to be part of that opportunity’! RaeAnn Gardner

The reason the song is so important, is because over the last year people have not been able to connect and it’s been a dark and gloomy year for a lot of people. The song is uplifting’.

Susan Ann Lynn

‘It sparked something in my heart... the love and unity that has brought us all together from different parts of the world, all around the world! It’s our connection and it’s done in love and it’s going to be, I get goosebumps just thinking about it! I cannot wait’.

Sherry McQueen

'Our Connection' is SO INCREDIBLY POWERFUL emotionally!

It's OUR Connection; OUR GLOBAL Anthem!

Read this AMAZING piece of beautiful poetry from ‘Our Connection’ co-lyricist Caroline Brown:

‘Our Connection'

Once we were, Just awesome souls all so we bent. Like branches in the tree began to spread. As no branch goes it all alone, But knows it's happiness together in a seed that's sown, Revelling in connection grown’. Caroline Brown

Now READ the deeply emotional words of co-lyricist and 'Our Connection' image graphic designer Sanni Tju:


This is Sanni from Australia

Our connection was born on 30 November 2020.

It was created by combining thoughts from different souls about the topic of peace, unity, and illumination. The song grows and beautifully evolved every week, as more and more people expressing theirs.

I have the privilege to design the image for Our Connection. The image shows that when we, as diverse individuals, come together in unity, the spark inside each one of us will illuminate the earth, and as the earth is illuminated, it will bring peace and freedom in our heart, which is represented by the broken chain.

‘Our Connection’ is more than a song. This is an invitation for you to connect with us through this song, just as the seven of us from around the world have connected.

Through this song, I hope to lift your spirit, make you feel connected, and bring you peace”.

Sanni Tju

When we come together in a common CREATIVE space, look at what we can create!

Join me in my premier interview with Tamara L Hunter on the Service Hero Show, recorded on our release day of March 19th 2021.

Click on the link to view >>

I am continuing to open up opportunity for creative growth, fresh news on COLLABORATIVE MUSIC ALBUM PROJECT THIS AFTERNOON Monday 22nd March 2021 @ 3pm (UK time)!

Join me TODAY in my FaceBook LIVE Monday 22.3.2021 @ 3pm (uk time)...

'Be Creatively FREE With Me @ THREE'

Link below...

There are SO many reasons to connect and share in creativity, SEE where a SEED can LEAD!

'Our Connection' from a seed; to a tree; to a forest, has been and will continue to be an INCREDIBLE growth journey!

Keep an eye out for future 'Our Connection' news and we ask you to continue to:

  1. LISTEN.


  3. SHARE and...

  4. CONNECT in OUR Creative Connection...

As the final words of the song say:

'Thank you for joining us'.

Loves Energy,

Ray xxx

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