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YOUR Journey Through the Garden of Life

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

In this weeks blog I am sharing with you the subject of life! It is one of the most discussed subjects along with love. What is the purpose of life? How can we add value to our life? Is that possible? How can we move away from the perception of leading a meaningless life?

"He who fears death cannot enjoy life".

Dead Mantra by the Dead Skeletons

Whilst there is much written on the subject of life, I would like to take this opportunity to make the subject a little easier for us all. Throughout this week, I am looking at my life; your life; the overall purpose of life and how to live a richer, more purposeful life.

It’s interesting from the outset to consider, we often describe adding value to our life or at times, if we feel our lives are not in the direction we wish, we may feel we are leading a 'meaningless life'. It is very easy to describe life like a mathematical equation, we can add to it or even subtract from it. Life is not a number! We could also apply that reasoning to age LOL.

Life has a lot to do with being present in the moment. After all, is that not where we ARE? Our past has been lived; our future will be lived; our present, this moment is for living and IS life. Consider Henry David Thoreau's observation:

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived”.

Life has a lot to do with perception of our reality. One philosopher I have read this week, simply stated, ‘we can define life by the fact we are alive’!

Simplicity is a key to success. We are human and we are BEing. Life is certainly MUCH richer as a result of deepening our purpose, intention and motivation. To illustrate – as a singer/songwriter, I have come to the full realisation, that I can use my own individual creativity to the benefit of others. We are all richer for the experience of sharing and caring! This has manifested for me, in my life, in SO many ways over the past year. From writing personalised DNA songs for you; recording and releasing an album; a few live performances (including one for a major event in Manchester); through to writing, recording, releasing and having a song featured in a major cancer docu series, aired in America and across the world recently.

View my song 'Your Journey' featured in the conclusion of this cancer docu series in the video link below. It features the song I was commissioned by Charles Mattocks to write for this cancer docu series ‘Eight Days’ .

‘Your Journey’ is available for download in all digital download stores, including >>



It was an incredible privilege to write ‘Your Journey’ on behalf of those who were part of the ‘Eight Days’ program but also it is written for YOU! As the song deeply conveys the experience of facing the ‘cancer journey’ (one I faced myself in 2008).

The greatest purpose we can experience in our lives, is to connect with and value our life and the lives of others. Wealth is about abundance (in all its forms). Life is about gratitude for our abundance.

Therefore, I share with you my life. We have a tremendous amount in common as part of our human family. In fact we have everything in common! This is one of the main reasons I wanted to create a connective space through my instagram account (in fact ALL of the social media platforms I use and my offline communication are 100% about OUR connection). Check out my IGTV channel series - ‘Be YOU With Me - Connecting in ONE Voice’. In this platform space, i harmonise, unite and find agreement with YOU. This weeks IGTV episode contains me sharing with YOU the subject of ‘LIFE’. Visit my instagram account @raycoatesvoice. Then go to IGTV through the search facility, and type in @raycoatesvoice to catch up on yesterday’s episode 3 part 1 (part 2 on Thursday 18/6/2020).

Additionally, visit my YouTube channel (new vlog to be published this Friday 20.6.2020), where you can check out last weeks vlog on the subject of ‘Feel Loves Energy in OUR Garden of Life (check out link below).

To live is to share the breath of life with others. Our present existence is transitory. You may have, like I have, experienced facing death. Life is for LIVING. Reach out to others, share love not hate. YOUR life is precious! Keep finding YOUR purpose! Multiply your life by effecting others for good.

Garden of Life

“Strength in will, as the breeze in the garden ran still.

And you lay down touched by loves light.

Kicked against the enemy, didn’t want to plant a tree in memory.

Life goes on, and your’e still standing strong.

Within a fountain of youth, there lives divine truth.

There you will find the true reflection of your soul. This should be you’re only goal.

Finding your purpose in this garden of life.

Love, joy and peace can be your only release.

Finding your treasure in this garden of life.

A secret place, filled with beauty and grace, your very own garden of life.

Souls shape and move, when there really is nothing left to prove. Just be the soul that you are it’s born you fruit this far.

Be still, be strong.

Be still, be strong”.

Continue dear friends to find YOUR purpose, in YOUR journey through OUR Garden of Life. Connect with me, connect with others. Feel the loving energy of our earth and divine love. Life is about NOW and the future. Dive in, enjoy and feed yourselves with positive energy to live the best life YOU desrve. The album 'Garden of Life' was written, recorded and made available to you, to achieve ALL of the above!


Ray xx

‘Garden of Life’ is available on CD, to order now visit >>

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